Restaurante El Pescadero


in this restaurant you will find the best seafood and fresh fish  coming from  the coast of huelva, Galicia and portugal.. it offer a wife menu combining tradicional cuisine mediterranean with  modern and contemporary cuisine mixing fresh and natural products.
• C / Pastor y Landero, S / N. 41001 Sevilla
• Tel. 954 220 881
• GPS 37.388304 | -5.9738
• Sea-Sun: 13:00 - 00:30
• Closed: Sunday afternoon.

Restaurante pescadero ( restaurant)

in this restaurant you will find the best seafood and fresh fish  coming from  the coast of huelva, Galicia and portugal.. it offer a wife menu combining tradicional cuisine mediterranean with  modern and contemporary cuisine mixing fresh and natural products.

• C / Pastor y Landero, S / N. 41001 Sevilla

• Tel. 954 220 881

• GPS 37.388304 | -5.9738

• Sea-Sun: 13:00 - 00:30

• Closed: Sunday afternoon.


Restaurante El Pescadero 1320 8

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En İyi Fiyat Garantisi

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C/ Albareda,15 41004. Sevilla, España.
Tel. 954224309
Fax. 954224309

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En İyi Fiyat Garantisi
75 €/gece

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