Semana Santa Sevillana


Holy Week in Seville
Holy Week in Seville is without a doubt, the Festival of Seville. In it, a lot of brotherhoods of all neighborhoods, make the itinerary of her penance station with hundreds of Nazarenes and siblings who accompany their sacred images in steps through the streets of Seville.
Holy Week in Seville has a tradition of canons and guidelines that have been copied in many parts of the world and especially in Andalusia, except the cities of Malaga and Cadiz where they have their own customs and traditions preserved for centuries until today.
57 are the brotherhoods of Seville today do penance station to the Holy Cathedral Church during Holy Week in Seville. Very old, some of the war and more recent ones. The name of the brotherhoods of Seville are usually very long and that is why the Sevillian, to differentiate from each other, called the brotherhoods by the name of Christ, the Virgin, by the name of the parish where they live or the unions that founded it.
Come to Seville this season is paramount to if you want to live and feel together us one of the most important holidays of the year.


Holy Week in Seville is without a doubt, the Festival of Seville. In it, a lot of brotherhoods of all neighborhoods, make the itinerary of her penance station with hundreds of Nazarenes and siblings who accompany their sacred images in steps through the streets of Seville.

Holy Week in Seville has a tradition of canons and guidelines that have been copied in many parts of the world and especially in Andalusia, except the cities of Malaga and Cadiz where they have their own customs and traditions preserved for centuries until today.

57 are the brotherhoods of Seville today do penance station to the Holy Cathedral Church during Holy Week in Seville. Very old, some of the war and more recent ones. The name of the brotherhoods of Seville are usually very long and that is why the Sevillian, to differentiate from each other, called the brotherhoods by the name of Christ, the Virgin, by the name of the parish where they live or the unions that founded it.

Come to Seville this season is paramount to if you want to live and feel together us one of the most important holidays of the year.


Semana Santa Sevillana 3900 10

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FESTIVALS ET TRADITIONS : Semana Santa Sevillana    


Holy Week in Seville
Holy Week in Seville is without a doubt, the Festival of Seville. In it, a lot of brotherhoods of all neighborhoods, make the itinerary of her penance station with hundreds of Nazarenes and siblings who accompany their sacred images in steps through the streets of Seville.
Holy Week in Seville has a tradition of canons and guidelines that have been copied in many parts of the world and especially in Andalusia, except the cities of Malaga and Cadiz where they have their own customs and traditions preserved for centuries until today.
57 are the brotherhoods of Seville today do penance station to the Holy Cathedral Church during Holy Week in Seville. Very old, some of the war and more recent ones. The name of the brotherhoods of Seville are usually very long and that is why the Sevillian, to differentiate from each other, called the brotherhoods by the name of Christ, the Virgin, by the name of the parish where they live or the unions that founded it.
Come to Seville this season is paramount to if you want to live and feel together us one of the most important holidays of the year.


Holy Week in Seville is without a doubt, the Festival of Seville. In it, a lot of brotherhoods of all neighborhoods, make the itinerary of her penance station with hundreds of Nazarenes and siblings who accompany their sacred images in steps through the streets of Seville.

Holy Week in Seville has a tradition of canons and guidelines that have been copied in many parts of the world and especially in Andalusia, except the cities of Malaga and Cadiz where they have their own customs and traditions preserved for centuries until today.

57 are the brotherhoods of Seville today do penance station to the Holy Cathedral Church during Holy Week in Seville. Very old, some of the war and more recent ones. The name of the brotherhoods of Seville are usually very long and that is why the Sevillian, to differentiate from each other, called the brotherhoods by the name of Christ, the Virgin, by the name of the parish where they live or the unions that founded it.

Come to Seville this season is paramount to if you want to live and feel together us one of the most important holidays of the year.



FESTIVALS ET TRADITIONS : Semana Santa Sevillana    


La Semana Santa 


La Semana Santa de Sevilla es sin lugar a dudas, la Fiesta Mayor de Sevilla. En ella, gran cantidad de cofradías de todos los barrios, realizan el itinerario de su estación de penitencia con cientos de nazarenos y hermanos que acompañan a sus sagradas imágenes en pasos por las calles sevillanas.

La Semana Santa de Sevilla posee una tradición de cánones y directrices que han sido copiadas en muchas partes del mundo y en especial en Andalucía, salvo las ciudades de Málaga y Cádiz donde tienen sus propias costumbres y tradiciones conservadas por siglos hasta la actualidad.

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FESTIVALS ET TRADITIONS : Feria de Sevilla    


Feria de Sevilla 


La Feria de Sevilla  también denominada “feria de Abril es una fiesta popularmente conocida  se celebra siempre la tercera semana después de Semana Santa, de martes a domingo, ambos inclusive. Aunque cada vez son más numerosas las personas que adelantan la feria al fin de semana anterior. Si coincidiese que la feria empezase en el mes de  mayo ésta se adelantaría hasta hacerla coincidir con el mes de abril.

Miles de farolillos y bombillas iluminan la feria y su portada, desde su inicio con el lunes del alumbrado, hasta su culminación el ...

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FESTIVALS ET TRADITIONS : Las Soles ( Vídeoclip Andalucía )   

Las Soles

Loli, Isabel y Esperanza Lobato Díaz, son las únicas tres mujeres de una familia de ocho hermanos. Nacidas en el barrio de El Tardón en Triana, desde pequeñitas, cantan bajo la atenta mirada de su padre, que como una asignatura más de la escuela, les imponía el cante todas las tardes, a sabiendas de que en ellas había madera de artista. Él ha sido en parte, el responsable de que hoy en día Soles, estén donde están. Con especial cariño recuerdan cuando su padre compró una lámpara con tres focos para que alumbraran sus actuaciones en casa. Apenas contaban con 10 años cuando cantaron por primera vez el tema de Camarón “Como el...

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C/ Albareda,15 41004. Sevilla, España.
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