Guerreros de Terracota

Exposición: “Guerreros de Terracota” en el Muelle de las Delicias de Sevilla

Dónde: Muelle de las Delicias, Puerto de Sevilla.
Cuándo: del viernes 13 de noviembre de 2015 al domingo 24 de enero de 2016.
Horario: martes a sábados de 10 a 21 horas. Domingos y festivos de 10 a 19 horas. Acceso hasta una hora y media antes del cierre.


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PLACES TO VISIT : Guerreros de Terracota   

Exposición: “Guerreros de Terracota” en el Muelle de las Delicias de Sevilla

Dónde: Muelle de las Delicias, Puerto de Sevilla.
Cuándo: del viernes 13 de noviembre de 2015 al domingo 24 de enero de 2016.
Horario: martes a sábados de 10 a 21 horas. Domingos y festivos de 10 a 19 horas. Acceso hasta una hora y media antes del cierre.


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PLACES TO VISIT : La Iglesia del Salvador    


La iglesia del Salvador( salvador church) is an example of Andalusian Baroque. It is also the second largest temple in Seville after the Cathedral, the square in which it is located is in the Plaza del Salvador which is well known being  a lively and fun place.
the salvador church can be visited to know its past and discover that in ancient times was the main mosque in the city. During the visit also up to the deck, where the view is breathtaking. All this is by guided tour, although you must book three months in advance. also include the Altarpiece, the Altarpiece of the BrotherhoodCristo del amor ( Christ of Love), Sacramental Chapel, Baroque altarpiece and the altar of Our Lady of Rocio.
Monday to Saturday from 11:00 to 17:30 and 19:30 to 21:00 hours. Sundays from 12:00 to 13:30, 15:00 to 19:00 and 19:30 to 21:00 hours.
Masses: Every day at 20:00. Sunday: 12:30 and 20:00.
Price: Free every Monday at 16:30 hours (free access) and the International Tourism Day Entry (September 27). General admission 3 euros.

Iglesia del Salvador ( salvador church)

La iglesia del Salvador( salvador church) is an example of Andalusian Baroque. It is also the second largest temple in Seville after the Cathedral, the square in which it is located is in the Plaza del Salvador which is well known being  a lively and fun place.


the salvador church can be visited to know its past and discover that in ancient times was the main mosque in the city. During the visit also up to the deck, where the view is breathtaking. All this is by guided tour, although you must book three months in advance. also include the Altarpiece, the Altarpiece of the BrotherhoodCristo del amor ( Christ of Love), Sacramental Chapel, Baroque altarpiece and the altar of Our Lady of Rocio.

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PLACES TO VISIT : El Museo Flamenco    


Flamenco Museum
The Flamenco Museum in Seville, recently opened, and it's a  impressive to some of the best performances of flamenco in Seville. it's Located in the neighborhood of Santa Cruz and just a few steps from Alfalfa's square, the museum offers flamenco shows every day. Under the direction of Cristina Hoyos, the museum of course, it attracts some of the best talent in Sevilla and Spain.
Calle Manuel Rojas Marcos 3, Sevilla
1 hour
120 people
Do not
Four. Five
Shows / night:
1-3 (17:00 / 19:00 / 20:45)
Show: 20 Euros
Museum: 10 Euros
Show + Museum: 24 Euros
* Prices Children / Students / Seniors: Choose a date / time (top) and click "Next".
954 34 March 11
Manuel Rojas Marcos Street, 3

Flamenco Museum

theFlamenco Museum in Seville, recently opened, and it's a  impressive to some of the best performances of flamenco in Seville. it's Located in the neighborhood of Santa Cruz and just a few steps from Alfalfa's square, the museum offers flamenco shows every day. Under the direction of Cristina Hoyos, the museum of course, it attracts some of the best talent in Sevilla and Spain.
Calle Manuel Rojas Marcos 3, Sevilla

PLACES TO VISIT : El Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla    


The Museum of Fine Arts of Seville was established in September 1835 and officially opened in 1841. It is now considered one of the most important museums in Spain. It is located in the so-called Museum Square, which is dominated by a sculpture dedicated to Bartolome Esteban Murillo. It is a fundamental museum to know as the Seville Baroque painting, especially of Zurbarán, Murillo and Valdes Leal, as the nineteenth century Andalusian painting
it's Located in the old Merced Calzada Convent, the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville was founded as a "museum of paintings" on September 16, 1835, The building is one of the best examples of Andalusian mannerism. Juan de Oviedo and the Flag was the architect and sculptor who designed the construction project, led by Fray Alonso de Monroy. The current collection of the museum also houses great treasures of Seville Baroque (with works by Francisco de Zurbarán, Murillo and Valdes Leal, among others as the century Andalusian painting XIX..El Museum is located at Museum Square.
• Schedule:
from 16 September to 15 June: M to S 9 to 19.30 h. D and holidays from 9 to 15.30. L, closed. From 16 June to 15 September: from M to D and holidays from 9 to 15.30 h. L (except holidays), closed.
1.50 euros. Free admission for citizens of the European Union accredited international students with ID and members of ICOM.
• Address: Plaza del Museo, 9, C.P. 41001, Sevilla, Sevilla
Downtown area
• Phone: 954 78 65 00


Museo de bellas artes 

The Museum of Fine Arts of Seville was established in September 1835 and officially opened in 1841. It is now considered one of the most important museums in Spain. It is located in the so-called Museum Square, which is dominated by a sculpture dedicated to Bartolome Esteban Murillo. It is a fundamental museum to know as the Seville Baroque painting, especially of Zurbarán, Murillo and Valdes Leal, as the nineteenth century Andalusian painting

it's Located in the old Merced Calzada Convent, the Museum of Fine Arts of Seville was founded as a "museum of paintings" on September 16, 1835, The building is one of the best examples of Andalusian mannerism. Juan de Oviedo and the Flag was the architect and sculptor who designed the construction project, led by Fray Alonso de Monroy. The current collection of the museum also houses great treasures of Seville Baroque (with works by Francisco de Zurbarán, Murillo and Valdes Leal, among others as the century Andalusian painting XIX..El Museum is located at Museum Square.

• Schedule:...

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PLACES TO VISIT : La Casa de Pilatos    


The house pilatos
The Casa de Pilatos is located in the Plaza de Pilatos Seville, built by mixing the Italian Renaissance and Spanish Mudejar styles, is considered as a prototype of the Andalusian palace.
The construction of this beautiful ornate Moorish palace and beautiful gardens tiles began in the late fifteenth century, on the initiative and desire of D. Pedro Enriquez (Adelantado Mayor de Andalucía) and his wife Catalina de Ribera, but had to be completed by the son, Fadrique Enríquez de Ribera (first Marquis of Tarifa), which was responsible for that housing came to our appointed time as it is known after a pilgrimage he made to Jerusalem en1519, and on his return made several reforms the finish makes the popular idea was that copied the "house" of the famous praetorian Pontius Pilate.
Hours and admission price:
Open every day of the week:
Winter (November to March) of 9-18 hours.
Summer (April to October) from 9 to 19 hours
• Full House: 8 €
• Only Floor: 6 €
• School groups consult Tarifa. advance booking
• Free afternoon of Wednesday from 15 to 19 hours.

The house pilatos

The Casa de Pilatos is located in the Plaza de Pilatos Seville, built by mixing the Italian Renaissance and Spanish Mudejar styles, is considered as a prototype of the Andalusian palace.

The construction of this beautiful ornate Moorish palace and beautiful gardens tiles began in the late fifteenth century, on the initiative and desire of D. Pedro Enriquez (Adelantado Mayor de Andalucía) and his wife Catalina de Ribera, but had to be completed by the son, Fadrique Enríquez de Ribera (first Marquis of Tarifa), which was responsible for that housing came to our appointed time as it is known after a pilgrimage he made to Jerusalem en1519, and on his return made several reforms the finish makes the popular idea w...

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PLACES TO VISIT : Plaza de Armas( Antigua estación de Córdoba)    

 Plaza de armas

This mall is located in the building of the old train station in Seville, known as Cordoba Station ".
The station was built for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929. It is a building of regionalist style, like the other buildings that were erected in Sevilla on this occasion, a style that combined aspects of Moorish architecture and traditional elements of historic architecture Andalusian.
It worked like station to the Expo 1992, when the new station of Santa Justa is built and this building passes to become the Pavilion of Seville.
After the Expo, work began on adapting the building to turn it into the mall it is today.
As for the businesses that we can find today, typical of any other mall cinemas, shops, and restaurants.


This mall is located in the building of the old train station in Seville, known as Cordoba Station ".

The station was built for the Ibero-American Exposition of 1929. It is a building of regionalist style, like the other buildings that were erected in Sevilla on this occasion, a style that combined aspects of Moorish architecture and traditional elements of historic architecture Andalusian.

It worked like station to the Expo 1992, when the new station of Santa Justa is built and this building passes to become the Pavilion of Seville.

After the Expo, work began on adapting th...

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PLACES TO VISIT : El puente de Triana    


Triana Bridge
it's  known as Triana bridge but officially is the bridge of Isabel II, in honor of Queen Elizabeth II of Spain and was the first one to be built in Seville using iron as material. . The bridge of Isabel II was the first one that passed the railways, being declared a National Historic Landmark in 1976. Today it is a bridge linking the city center with the Triana district across the river Guadalquivir and  was  replaced in the nineteenth century an old pontoon bridge that was in place and one of the most famous of the capital Sevillana

Triana Bridge

it's  known as Triana bridge but officially is the bridge of Isabel II, in honor of Queen Elizabeth II of Spain and was the first one to be built in Seville using iron as material. . The bridge of Isabel II was the first one that passed the railways, being declared a National Historic Landmark in 1976. Today it is a bridge linking the city center with the Triana district across the river Guadalquivir and  was  replaced in the nineteenth century an old pontoon bridge that was in place and one of the most famous of the capital Sevillana



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PLACES TO VISIT : Parque de MªLuisa    

Parque Maria Luisa

Maria Luisa Park

Maria Luisa park were part of the private gardens of the Palacio de San Telmo that was donated to Seville by the Infanta Maria Luisa. That is why his nickname. Sevilla park became a favorite place, in a unique and evocative space that many times it would identify, would be recognized in the world.
Because Maria Luisa Park  is Seville and Seville isn't  Seville  without Maria Luisa Park. Although this park is one of the best known in Spain, still holds many secrets and anecdotes you might not know ... +
Curiosities that includes:
1. Spain Square and Plaza de America (known as Plaza de las Palomas)
2. Its irregular shape is inspired by the concept of romantic, passionate and wild love.
3. The Dukes of Montpensier are set in Seville in 1848, acquiring in 1850 the palace of San Telmo. Complementarily acquired two farms to prepare them as palace gardens
4. The park opened on April 18, 1914, coinciding with the fair this year in honor of the Infanta Luisa Fernanda de Borbón in 1893 had decided to donate it to the city of Seville. -


Maria Luisa park were part of the private gardens of the Palacio de San Telmo that was donated to Seville by the Infanta Maria Luisa. That is why his nickname. Sevilla park became a favorite place, in a unique and evocative space that many times it would identify, would be recognized in the world.

Because Maria Luisa Park  is Seville and Seville isn't  Seville  without Maria Luisa Park. Although this park is one of the best known in Spain, still holds many secrets and anecdotes you might not know ... +

Curiosities that includes:

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PLACES TO VISIT : El Edificio Metropol Parasol    



Metropol Parasol ( building)


Building Metropol Parasol
Metropol Parasol, known as the Mushrooms of the Encarnación  the structure of the world's largest wood, has 2 columns of concrete that house elevators access to the viewpoint and is located in the Plaza de la Encarnación in Seville , in the autonomous community of Andalusia (Spain).

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PLACES TO VISIT : El Tabaco del REy   

El Archivo Provincial acoge la exposición 'El tabaco del rey'


The Provincial Archives hosts the exhibition 'The King snuff'
Friday 13 November 2015 to Sunday 24 January 2016 El Muelle de las Delicias Seville will host the exhibition "Terra Cotta Army - Warriors of Xi'an," a journey to the heart of one of the most enigmatic and impressive archaeological findings the history.

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PLACES TO VISIT : Guerreros de Terracota   


Exhibition: "Terracotta Warriors" in the Muelle de las Delicias Seville
Where: Muelle de las Delicias, Puerto de Sevilla.
When: Friday November 13 2015 to Sunday 24 January 2016.
Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 21 hours. Sundays and holidays from 10 to 19 hours. Access to an hour and a half before closing.
For more information on schedules, prices ..

Exhibition: "Terracotta Warriors" in the Muelle de las Delicias Seville

Where: Muelle de las Delicias, Puerto de Sevilla.

When: Friday November 13 2015 to Sunday 24 January 2016.

Hours: Tuesday to Saturday from 10 to 21 hours. Sundays and holidays from 10 to 19 hours. Access to an hour and a half before closing.

For more information on schedules, prices ..



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Hotel Plaza Sevilla

C/ Albareda,15 41004. Sevilla, España. | Tel. 954224309

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